.. _binding: XML binding =========== model ----- The :py:func:`paxb.model` decorator is used to describe a mapping of a python class to an xml element. All encountered class fields are mapped to the xml subelements. In the following example ``User`` class attributes ``name`` and ``surname`` are mapped to the corresponding xml elements. The model: .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: name = pb.field() surname = pb.field() has a complete mapping description for the document .. code-block:: xml Alex Ivanov By default class name is used as an xml tag name for a mapping. The default behavior can be altered using decorator ``name`` argument. The ``User`` class can be rewritten as follows: .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model(name='user') class User: name = pb.field() surname = pb.field() .. code-block:: xml Alex Ivanov field ----- The :py:func:`paxb.field` function describes a mapping of a python class field to an xml subelement. In the following example fields ``name`` and ``surname`` are mapped to the corresponding xml subelements. The name of the fields is used as an xml tag name for a mapping. .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: name = pb.field() surname = pb.field() .. code-block:: xml Alex Ivanov Similarly to the :py:func:`paxb.model` decorator the default behavior can be altered using the ``name`` argument. .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: name = pb.field(name="Name") surname = pb.field(name="Surname") .. code-block:: xml Alex Ivanov attribute --------- The :py:func:`paxb.attr` function describes a mapping of a python class field to an xml element attribute. In the following example fields ``name`` and ``surname`` are mapped to the corresponding ``User`` element attributes. The name of the fields is used as an xml tag name for a mapping. .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: name = pb.attr() surname = pb.attr() .. code-block:: xml Similarly to the :py:func:`paxb.field` function the default behavior can be altered using ``name`` argument. .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: name = pb.attribute(name="Name") surname = pb.attribute(name="Surname") .. code-block:: xml nested ------ The :py:func:`paxb.nested` function is used to describe a mapping of a python class to an xml element. It is similar to the :py:func:`paxb.model` decorator, but declares a nested one. Beyond that it acts the same. The following example illustrates using nested classes: .. code-block:: python imort paxb as pb @pb.model class Passport: series = pb.attribute() number = pb.attribute() @pb.model class User: name = pb.attribute() surname = pb.attribute() passport = pb.nested(Passport) .. code-block:: xml as_list ------- The :py:func:`paxb.as_list` function describes a mapping of a python class field to xml subelements. The corresponding subelements will be deserialized to a list. An element of a list can be field, nested class or wrapper (will be described later). Look at the example: .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: emails = pb.as_list(pb.field(name="Email")) .. code-block:: xml alex@mail.ru alex@gmail.com alex@yandex.ru wrapper ------- It is common case when a mapped element is placed in a subelement but declaring a nested class is redundant. Here the :py:func:`paxb.wrapper` function comes forward. Let's look at the example: .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: email = pb.wrapper('contacts', pb.field()) .. code-block:: xml alex@gmail.com Here ``email`` is a direct field of the ``User`` class but in the xml tree it is placed in ``contacts`` subelement. One :py:func:`paxb.wrapper` can be can be wrapped by another: .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: email = pb.wrapper('info', pb.wrapper('contacts', pb.field())) ... .. code-block:: xml alex@gmail.com A path can be used instead of a tag name. The following model is equivalent to the former one: .. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model class User: email = pb.wrapper('info/contacts', pb.field()) let's put it all together ------------------------- All the functions can be mixed together. Look at the more advanced example: .. code-block:: xml +79204563539 alex@gmail.com alex@mail.ru
.. code-block:: python import paxb as pb @pb.model(name='occupation') class Occupation: title = pb.attribute() address = pb.field() employees = pb.field() @pb.model(name='user') class User: name = pb.attribute() surname = pb.attribute() age = pb.attribute() phone = pb.wrap('contacts', pb.field()) emails = pb.wrap('contacts', pb.as_list(pb.field(name='email'))) passport_series = pb.wrap('documents/passport', pb.attribute('series')) passport_number = pb.wrap('documents/passport', pb.attribute('number')) occupations = pb.wrap('occupations', pb.lst(pb.nested(Occupation)))