.. _serialization: Serialization ============= ``paxb`` implements an API for serializing an python object to an xml string. To serialize an object just pass it to a :py:func:`paxb.to_xml` method: .. doctest:: >>> import paxb as pb >>> >>> @pb.model ... class User: ... name = pb.attribute() ... surname = pb.attribute() ... email = pb.field() ... phone = pb.field() ... >>> obj = User(name='Alex', surname='Ivanov', email='alex@gmail.com', phone='+79123457323') >>> >>> xml_string = pb.to_xml(obj) >>> print(xml_string) b'alex@gmail.com+79123457323' By default :py:func:`paxb.to_xml` method serializes an object to a root element in an xml tree, class name is used as the element name, the element namespace is empty. The default behaviour can be altered using :py:func:`paxb.to_xml` argument. Look at the example: .. doctest:: >>> import paxb as pb >>> >>> @pb.model ... class User: ... name = pb.attribute() ... surname = pb.attribute() ... email = pb.field() ... phone = pb.field() ... >>> obj = User(name='Alex', surname='Ivanov', email='alex@gmail.com', phone='+79123457323') >>> >>> xml_string = pb.to_xml(obj, envelope='root', name='user', ns='test', ns_map={'test': 'http://www.test.org'}, encoding='unicode') >>> print(xml_string) alex@gmail.com+79123457323 The ``encoding`` argument is an additional argument passed to :py:func:`xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring` method. Encoder ------- By default an object fields serialized using the following rules: - :py:class:`str` field is serialized as it is. - :py:class:`bytes` field serialized using base64 encoding. - :py:class:`datetime.datetime` field serialized as iso formatted string. - :py:class:`datetime.date` field serialized as iso formatted string. - other types serialized using :py:meth:`__str__` method. The default behaviour can be altered using ``encoder`` argument. Encoder must be a callable object that accepts an encoded value and returns its :py:class:`str` representation. Since ``paxb`` is based on :py:mod:`attr` library, :py:func:`attr.asdict` function can be used to serialize an object to a json string: .. doctest:: >>> import attr >>> import json >>> import paxb as pb >>> >>> @pb.model ... class User: ... name = pb.attribute() ... surname = pb.attr() ... email = pb.field() ... phone = pb.field() ... >>> obj = User(name='Alex', surname='Ivanov', email='alex@gmail.com', phone='+79123457323') >>> >>> obj_dict = attr.asdict(obj) >>> json.dumps(obj_dict) '{"name": "Alex", "surname": "Ivanov", "email": "alex@gmail.com", "phone": "+79123457323"}'