
The package has two main exceptions: paxb.exceptexcions.SerializationError and paxb.exceptexcions.DeserializationError.

paxb.exceptexcions.DeserializationError is raised when any deserialization error occurs. The most common case it is raised is a required element is not found in an xml tree. Look at the example:

>>> import paxb as pb
>>> @pb.model
... class User:
...     name = pb.attribute()
>>> xml_str = '<User/>'
>>> pb.from_xml(User, xml_str)
Traceback (most recent call last):
paxb.exceptions.DeserializationError: required attribute '/User[1]/name' not found

This error is raised when either of paxb.field(), paxb.attr(), paxb.nested() or paxb.wrapper() element not found. This behaviour can be altered by passing a default value to an element:

>>> import paxb as pb
>>> @pb.model
... class User:
...     name = pb.attr(default='Alex')
>>> xml_str = '<User/>'
>>> pb.from_xml(User, xml_str)

The same applies to paxb.field(), paxb.nested() and paxb.wrapper().

paxb.exceptexcions.SerializationError is raised when any serialization error occurs. The most common case it is raised is a required element is not set. Look at the example:

>>> import paxb as pb
>>> @pb.model
... class User:
...     name = pb.attr()
>>> obj = User(name=None)
>>> pb.to_xml(obj)
Traceback (most recent call last):
paxb.exceptions.SerializationError: required attribute 'name' is not set

This error is raised when either of paxb.field(), paxb.attr(), paxb.nested() or paxb.wrapper() element is not set. This behaviour can be altered by passing a default value to an element:

>>> import paxb as pb
>>> @pb.model
... class User:
...     name = pb.attr(default='Alex')
>>> obj = User()
>>> pb.to_xml(obj)
b'<User name="Alex" />'