.. _quickstart: Quick start =========== Suppose you have an xml document ``user.xml``: .. code-block:: xml +79204563539 alex@gmail.com alex@mail.ru Moscow 8854 Yekaterinburg 7742 To deserialize the document you could use :py:mod:`xml` python standard library api to parse the document and then set the corresponding class fields. Such an imperative code has a lot of boilerplate manipulations. Instead you can use ``paxb`` api to write declarative style code. All you need to describe field mappings and types, ``paxb`` will serialize and deserialize data for you: .. code-block:: python import json import re from datetime import date import attr import paxb as pb @pb.model(name='occupation', ns='data', ns_map={'data': 'http://www.test2.org'}) class Occupation: title = pb.attr() address = pb.field() employees = pb.field(converter=int) @pb.model(name='user', ns='doc', ns_map={'doc': 'http://www.test1.org'}) class User: name = pb.attr() surname = pb.attr() age = pb.attr(converter=int) _birth_year = pb.wrap('birthdate', pb.attr('year', converter=int)) _birth_month = pb.wrap('birthdate', pb.attr('month', converter=int)) _birth_day = pb.wrap('birthdate', pb.attr('day', converter=int)) @property def birthdate(self): return date(year=self._birth_year, month=self._birth_month, day=self._birth_day) @birthdate.setter def birthdate(self, value): self._birth_year = value.year self._birth_month = value.month self._birth_day = value.day phone = pb.wrap('contacts', pb.field()) emails = pb.wrap('contacts', pb.as_list(pb.field(name='email'))) passport_series = pb.wrap('documents/passport', pb.attr('series')) passport_number = pb.wrap('documents/passport', pb.attr('number')) occupations = pb.wrap( 'occupations', pb.lst(pb.nested(Occupation)), ns='data', ns_map={'data': 'http://www.test2.org'} ) citizenship = pb.field(default='RU') @phone.validator def check(self, attribute, value): if not re.match(r'\+\d{11,13}', value): raise ValueError("phone number is incorrect") with open('user.xml') as file: xml = file.read() Then the deserialized object can be modified and serialized back to xml document or converted to json format: .. code-block:: python try: user = pb.from_xml(User, xml, envelope='doc:envelope', ns_map={'doc': 'http://www.test1.org'}) user.birthdate = user.birthdate.replace(year=1993) with open('user.json') as file: json.dump(attr.asdict(user), file) except (pb.exc.DeserializationError, ValueError) as e: print(f"deserialization error: {e}") ``user.json``: .. code-block:: json { "age": 26, "birth_day": 14, "birth_month": 6, "birth_year": 1993, "citizenship": "RU", "emails": ["alex@gmail.com", "alex@mail.ru"], "name": "Alexey", "occupations": [ { "address": "Moscow", "employees": 8854, "title": "yandex" }, { "address": "Yekaterinburg", "employees": 7742, "title": "skbkontur" } ], "passport_number": "836815", "passport_series": "3127", "phone": "+79204563539", "surname": "Ivanov" }